During the 1980's, an Erie tradition (or was it an Eerie tradition??) was to tune in to WJET Radio every Halloween for Eerie Legends. The JET Jocks would narrate tales and fables about the spooky stories that have become part of northwestern Pennsylvania oral history. These are the stories best told around a crackling campfire, with wind whispering through dry leaves as the dancing flames hold back the night: Axe Murder Hollow, flying saucers over Presque Isle, the mysterious unmarked “bat” tomb in Erie Cemetery, and more. Over the decades, the tradition faded from the airwaves, but not from the minds of those who grew-up listening to the audio narratives on the radio.
Well, 90.5 WERG has the tapes of the original WJET Eerie Legends broadcast! Tune-in on Wednesday, October 30 at 7pm to... relive the fear once again. Or experience it for the first time. If you dare, that is.