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Flashback: 2004 and 2014

Looking-back to what was going on at WERG ten and twenty years ago, our "Summer Break" was anything but. In 2004, we were preparing to move our broadcast antenna from downtown Erie to the high ground of Summit Township, effectively quadrupling our broadcast coverage area. This necessitated a move from our long-time home of 89.9-FM to where we are now: 90.5 on the dial. The summer of 2004 was spent with our engineers (Mike Kobylka and the late Mel Himes) pricing and buying equipment: the new antenna, coax cable, a studio-transmitter link, a new audio processor, and boxes of equipment, cables, and assorted parts. We also needed to hire a tower climber to mount the new antenna. At 9:50am on June 30, 2005 with a big ceremony in our Walker Building studios, WERG moved from 89.9 to 90.5-FM.

Speaking of studios... in June of 2014 we were getting ready to move across the street to the brand-new Gannon University Center for Communication and the Arts. Things were taking shape and we learned that WERG would have space on the second floor for the air studio and audio production facilities. Again, former chief engineer Mike Kobylka (pictured, above) was called-upon for his expertise to make sure that when all the systems were hooked up again, everything turned back on. Timmie Mack of Super Soul Saturday hosted the first live show from 700 Peach starting at 8am on August 30, 2014.



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