From 2013: a shot of the hallway just outside of the main air studio, when 90.5 WERG was across the street from our present location in the Center for Communication and the Arts (CCA). The CCA facilities were under construction by this time, so we knew our days of walking through Walker were limited.
For orientation: this is a view after coming in the front door. Main air studio to the right - the "On Air" light is on so DO NOT DISTURB! The open door is the Operations Manager's office. The door in back leads to another hallway off to the left. Hang an immediate right behind that and find the Jock Lounge: a social space for the airstaff with audio production facilities, plus storage space.
The Walker Building had served as WERG's home for fourteen years: 2000-2014. It was our second "space" on campus, after our days in the Zurn Science Center basement (1972-2000).
Since 2014, we have enjoyed industry-standard studios and facilities on the second floor of the CCA Building, located at 700 Peach.