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Flashback: September 2014 Ribbon-Cutting Ceremony

A decade can really fly by! Ten years ago was the ribbon-cutting ceremony for the brand new Gannon University Center for Communication and the Arts (SCA), located at the corner of West 7th and Peach Streets. A long-time vision of former department chairperson A.J. Miceli (third from left), it became a reality when we all FINALLY moved into the same building. The Communications department had - for decades - been the "nomads" of the campus. The Gannon Knight was in the Walker Building. The TV Production studios and classrooms were in the basement of the Nash Library. The radio station studios were in the basement of the Zurn Science Center, then moved to the Walker Building. WERG's offices were in Old Main, then the 2nd floor of Old Schuster Theatre. Faculty offices were, well, everywhere: Nash Library, the old Theatre, the new Theatre, and even in Beyer Hall for a spell in the 1990's. Now, we had a home of our own.

First Floor: Audio Production Studios, Classroom, Office of the Media Center Director, the Television Studio, and Editing Suites.

Second Floor: Classrooms, the Gannon Knight, the Multi-Media Studio, Studio Art Room, and 90.5 WERG!

Third Floor: Faculty Offices, Conference Room, Multi-Purpose Room, and the SCA Director's Office

Now, we are "Twin Anchors" of the most creative spaces on the Gannon University campus: Schuster Theatre at 620 Sassafras, and the SCA Building at 700 Peach!

(Trivia: the first live broadcast from 90.5 WERG at 700 Peach was the Timmie Mack Morning Show on Saturday, August 30, 2014.)

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